Friday, February 6, 2009

The Birthday That Doesn't End

Ok, I never knew turning 45 could be so much fun. My entire family,including my sister, mom, Andy, David, Colton, and Carley began celebrating my birthday on Sunday which was two days before my birthday. We had lunch at Nadine's on Sunday. Tuesday brought just the Cash family out to my favorite Mexican restaurant which I have posted about. Yesterday, Thursday, the females of the family went out to lunch to my absolutely favorite girl lunch place, Norma's on the Bay. Just look at this lunch. Don't ask how many points it equals, it's my birthday!

My favorite girl in all the world. I know she is going to love me for this pciture of her eating.

My two favorite women in the world. The three of us could write a book on survival. If the Lord does lead Colton to the film industry, he must make a movie about us. The movie would bring hard belly laughs and tremendous floods of tears.

I can't wait to see what Saturday brings. One of my very closest friends did tell me she sent me something, maybe it will come Saturday. :>)

1 comment:

Tom and Connie said...

The birthdays come faster and faster each year, at the rate you are going you will still be celebrating when your next one rolls around.
Glad you had a great birthday!
