Sunday, February 15, 2009

My First Born is EIGHTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, someone please stop the clock of time for just an hour. I can't believe he is 18. I remember bringing Colton home from the hospital with the help of my mom and my friend Angie Haube. The Navy had called David out to sea before we could all come home together, but David was there for the birth of Colton. I looked at my mom and began to bawl. I had no idea what it meant to be a mom and felt very unqualified. I looked at my own mom and asked her, "What do I do? I have no idea what to do." What a feeling of complete helplessness. Guess what ? In spite of Colton's mom and dad, he has survived 18 years of imperfection parenting. If anything good comes out of this guy, it is all GOD.

Anyone wondering how we celebrated 18 years of Colton's life? I am glad you are wondering. Due to a busy day today, Colton's actual birthday, we celebrated his birthday yesterday before he went to work. Today we went to church, came home, inhaled lunch, then David, Colton, Carley, and Vincent, Colton's friend, went to a concert this evening.

Here we are doing what we all do best....eating.

We went to Lambert's, home of the throwed rolls, located in Foley, Alabama. Let me just say, the rolls are worth placing Weight Watchers on hold.

Lambert's doesn't believe in portion control either. Check out just how much food they insist on giving their patrons.

Did I mention Lamert's is southern cooking, down to the fried okra. Is there any other way to eat okra?

Here are some random pictures of Colton opening cards and his ONE gift. Colton decided he was ready to graduate from his Ulead video program to Adobe After Effects to further his video creativity. Adobe is a rather very expensive program. Colton received birthday money to help pay for Adobe.

My two strange guys.

Here we are stuffed and happy. We added a new member to our family, Brice. He is the guy in the blue with the red cap. He works for Lambert's and I guess he wanted his picture taken with us.

Here is the birthday cake with no writing, no candles,nothing but heavy laden calories. Colton wanted the famous Outta Sight Oreo Delight dessert. All I can say about this is ....SIN.

Maybe Colton will share, maybe not.

Today has been a great day for my first born. Where as for me, it has been a day of reflecting and praying for Colton. He is on the threshold of manhood and it will be a thrill to see how Colton chooses to live life. Let me say this. Life is NEVER boring when Colton is near by. Nothing will thrill his parents more than to be a man who is serving the Lord with all he has. May we be blessed to be thrilled.

We love you Colton!

Mom and Dad


John Mackall said...

My best bud is 18. He is now no longer a minor. He is a major, I guess. Oh, they grow up so fast.

Anonymous said...

holy cow I can't believe he is 18! aaww I just remember how him and angela used to play in the snow or at airplane park together. hahaha. and whenver anyone said they liked each other angela would beat em up. lol. ahh can you believe that was like 10 years ago!?